Monday, February 22, 2010

500 Days of Summer

Michelle's Review

I really liked this movie!  I love independent films and this had that sort of feel to it. I also liked the main character Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  I can't remember the last time I saw him in a movie, and I thought he was so great.  Because I know some people want to hear opinions about the ending, I will give mine. :) Hopefully I won't give away too much though.

The ending is not what I expected at all.  From the previews and from having seen a million romantic comedy movies, I thought it would follow a similar pattern, but it didn't.  But I think that is why I liked it so much.  It wasn't typical ending and fit the independent elements that I really like. But when the movie ended, I felt like all the characters were happy or would find happiness in love.

The catch with this film though that keeps me from saying I LOVED THIS MOVIE is that there were quite a few inappropriate scenes that we fast forwarded through.  It didn't seem to help the story line either, so it was disappointing to have so much of that in it.

The length of the movie was perfect as well.  I think it was only an hour and a half long, and I felt like it was the perfect time.


Originality: 5 stars

(The format of the movie was very unique.)

Message: 3 stars

Acting: 5 stars

Cleanliness: 1.5 stars

(Like I said, too much sex and language for me)

Entertainment: 5 stars

Overall: 4 stars

Greg's Review

So I think it is pretty apparent that the movies that we have been watching lately all come from the same genre and they don't portray me in a very "manly" light:)  That being said, the next movie that we watch will have to be something more like esionage and action.  However, this was a really interesting movie and it really threw a spin on romantic comedy.  It jumped back and forth from early in the 500 days to later in the movie to show the ups and downs of the so-called relationship between the two main characters.   As Michelle said, it had this new-age feel to it that made it original and engaging.  We actually started watching late and told ourselves that we were only going to watch part of it and come back to the next evening.  As we got about half way into the film, there was no way that either of us could stop so, as a result, we are both dragging today.  That really says a lot because Michelle usually has a tough time staying awake through a lot of the movies we watch, especially with her being pregnant right now.  Now to the breakdown: 

Entertainment:  5 stars

Originality:  5 stars

Acting:  4.5 stars

Message:  4 stars
(The message was basically that of optimism and idealism that comes through in the end.)

Cleanliness:  2.5 stars
(There were several scenes that we had to fast forward and there was a substantial amount of language.)

Overall:  4.2 stars

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