Sunday, May 2, 2010


Michelle's Review

First off, when I first heard that this movie was coming out, I had absolutely no desire to see it.  I am not into the whole sci-fi scene.  People kept telling us how good it was, but I just wasn't convinces.  Then I was at Target last week, and it was on sale for $14, or something like that, and I almost bought it just because it was a pretty good deal for a new release.  I decided that we should see it first though just incase we didn't like it.  Well, we rented it this past weekend, and I REALLY liked it.  I was converted:) Really, all skeptics should see it.

Entertainment: 5 stars

Acting: 4 stars
(Most of it was really great, but Sam Covington had a few moments that were a little awkward sounding to me.)

Originality: 4.5 stars
(The story line was pretty predictable.  It felt a lot like a cowboy vs indian type of plot.  But James Cameron created this whole new world with a new language, and I consider that to be pretty original!)

Cleanliness: 3.5 stars
(There was a lot of bad language)

Message: 4 stars

Overall: 4.2 stars

Greg's Review

Well, I do not normally like sci-fi-type movies but I have to say that Avatar was pretty cool!  I thought that it was amazing how they were able to create this new world and the computer animation was amazing.  I think that pretty much the whole movie was eye-candy and refreshing.  To the review:

Entertainment:  5 stars

Originality:  3 stars
(Like Michelle said it was a futuristic story of cowboys and indians)

Acting:  4.5 stars

Message:  4 stars
(Good can triumph over evil)

Cleanliness:  2.8 stars
(There was quite a bit of foul language)

Overall:  3.9 stars 

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