Sunday, March 7, 2010


Greg's Review

So as I promised, this movie is not a romantic comedy. To tell you the truth I looked through all the movies in the Redbox kiosk and decided that I had no other options because everything else was either a chick flick or rated "R". Therefore, this was basically a last resort movie since I had seen previews for it and it looked pretty lame especially since recent films with Bruce Willis have been a letdown. However, I was very surprised. I really liked the movie and thought that the idea was relevant to recent technologies such as "Second Life". I also loved that it was so short (89 minutes), which seems very difficult to find nowadays. So to the breakdown:

Entertainment: 4.5 stars

Originality: 4 stars
(the plot was not very predictable and kept you guessing)

Acting: 3.5 stars
(Bruce Willis isn't the greatest actor and let's be honest how great can the acting be in a sci-fi movie like this?)

Message: 4 stars
(Basically the idea was that over dependence on technology can really rob us of the real experiences of life.)

Cleanliness: 3 stars
(Better than I was anticipating)

Overall: 3.8 stars

Michelle's Review

Yesterday morning we were in the car on the way home from somewhere, and we heard a segment on NPR about how addicting "Second Life" is and that type of technology. It was ironic to me when Greg brought this movie home because of that. I was really surprised at this movie, and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I am not a big Bruce Willis fan, so I had that hanging over my head while I as watching it. I honestly didn't make it through the entire movie either though, so maybe I missed the bad parts:) We started watching this movie really late, and I am pretty much useless after midnight. But I did make it through most of it, and feel that I saw enough to make a review about it.

Entertainment: 4.5 stars

Originality: 4 stars
(This movie kind of reminded me of "Minority Report" because of the futuristic factor, so I didn't feel it was TOTALLY original. However, it was pretty unique.)

Acting: 3 stars

Message: 4 stars
(I really does make you stop and think how dependent we are on technology and how much more we could become in the future.)

Cleanliness: 3.5 stars
(I can't really remember there being a whole lot of horrible parts, but there were a few parts that were risque and bad language)

Overall: 3 stars
(It is worth the watch!)

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