Friday, March 12, 2010


Michelle's Review

This was your typical dooms-day/end of the world film with a hero that miraculously defeats all odds. That is my biggest complaint with this movie; there was nothing in it that hasn't been done before in other films like this.  Also, it was absolutely amazing to me that the main characters managed to escape certain death every single time something horrible was happening.  They were always just one step ahead! Not that I was hoping or wishing any ill harm to any of the characters, but way too predictable!  If by chance anything bad did happen to one of the characters, I did not buy any real genuine emotion from any of the other actors.  Come on, if my boyfriend were crushed in a giant gear I think I would cry.  Obviously, I was not a huge fan but did enjoy a nice date night with my hubby:)

Acting: 2 stars

Entertainment: 3.5 stars (It was predictable, but the special effects were pretty entertaining to watch)

Message: 3 stars

Originality: 1 star

Cleanliness: 4.5 stars

Overall: 2.8 stars

Greg's Review

So I thought this movie looked pretty lame from the previews but thought that it might have been a bit better that I expected.  I was completely right!  This movie was horrible!  It was very predictable and so unrealistic.  It was so far out there that everytime there was an action sequence I started to cringe and hope that the horror would end.  I made it through the end and thought to myself, "why did I waste two hours of my time on that?"  With these uplifting comments, here are the marks:

Entertainment:  1.5 stars

Acting:  1 star

Originality:  1 star

Message:  1.5 stars

Cleanliness:  4.5 stars
(I have to give it that.)

Overall:  1.9 stars 

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