Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

Michelle's Review

Greg did not see this one with me, but my mom and I went to this yesterday for something to do and loved it! It had received really high reviews on "Rotten Tomatoes," so we were anticipating it to be good and it was!  Deagan stayed into the movie the whole time.  The best part about it was that is was in 3D.  I normally don't like watching movies in 3D, but this really was the best way to watch it.  There weren't any big name actors in it which made it almost refreshing.  I would recommend this movie to people of all ages!

Originality: 5 stars

Acting: 5 stars

Cleanliness: 5 stars

Message: 5 stars

Entertainment: 5 stars

Overall: 5 stars!

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